I got this idea from my friend Laurie's blog: http://indulgeyourshelf.blogspot.com/
I love to crazy Quilt. I love all things pretty, sparkly, and the more of it the better! Picking the fabrics, the colors, the embellishments -- selecting the theme, the stitches, the project -- the whole process delights me!
I love to exercise. I had to really think about this, but I guess it is really a part of who I am. There are days when I don't want to go, but I almost always end up going and feel great about it when I am done. I have been exercising since I was in my early 20s. Today I walked/jogged on a machine indoors for 30 minutes because the wind made working out outside bitter cold, but usually I like to walk/jog outside even if it is 30 degrees. I dislike running for a long period of time so my latest endeavor is to walk a bit and then jog a bit. It is called interval training. The theory is that by increasing your activity level for a while your heart rate and metabolic rate increases and when you decrease your activity level they stay high for a while even though you are now doing less. Plus, since I like running outside in the winter, I have incentive to increase my activity level to stay warm and finish my workout faster!
I love to read. When I exercise I'm always listening to a book. Right now I'm listening to
Atlas Shrugged by Ann Rand. I also like to read at night before I go to bed. Right now I'm reading
The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson.
I love to ski. There is really something about being on top of a snowy mountain in the sunshine looking out for miles and miles. I enjoy the outdoors, the beautiful views, the cold, the exercise, and skiing with my family.
I love photography. I'm constantly taking pictures. I love taking pictures of the great outdoors, wildlife, and I also take sports pictures of my daughter and her school's teams.
I love nature and wildlife. As a family we are always going to National Parks on vacations. I will wake up my family at zero dark thirty so we can go out to find the wild animals! Of course I can also take pictures while I'm out there and we can go for hikes so it combines several of my interests at once.
I love the past. I have always loved the past since I was a small girl. When I was 14 I started researching my family tree and collecting antiques and family relics. I still love finding old family photos and trying to figure out who's who. This hobby has made me closer to my parents, grand parents, and aunts and uncles. Most of them love talking about their lives and I love hearing their stories. Now I like to share them with my family when they'll listen. I actually started this blog to document my progress of learning how to crazy quilt so I can make a memory crazy quilt of my family. Someone else on my CQI yahoo list had the same idea, so it looks like I'm going to get a chance to do a practice version. I'm totally excited about it!
I could have also written about loving to learn and loving to travel, but I guess I shouldn't bore you too much!