Tuesday we got up before the break of dawn to see the sun rising on thousands of cranes. We spent the night in Monte Vista where thousands of cranes come in once a year and the town of Monte Vista celebrates it by having a crane festival. Many people come to photograph the cranes and we were lucky enough to stumble onto it. It was a beautiful site. We drove over Wolf Creek Pass and then continued onto Pagosa Springs where we toured around a bit. We ended up in Durango and stayed in town. I managed to find two bead stores where I relieved myself of the burden of carrying some of my cash, but not nearly as much as I wanted to!
Simply gorgeous photo! Looks like you are enjoying your vacation.
Actually, we enjoyed it last week. (-;
That first photo of the cranes with the one "conducting" the others is prize worthy! Any contests you could enter it into? Does Monte Vista have some kind of crane photo contest? (They should, and you should win!)
We're on a crane flight path and about twice a year have huge flocks passing overhead. They are very noisy, but I love them.
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