Sunday, May 10, 2009

Skye's Sumptuous Start RR block

This is Skye's block from the Sumptuous Starts
Round Robin on CQI Novice Yahoo Group. Isn't
it pretty? I added the butterfly and embellished
a couple of purple flowers on the printed fabric with organza ribbon and beading. I also added the seam treatment on the lower left-hand corner, a butterfly charm, and a sequined motif (below the S). The other ladies were pretty busy on this block because they only left me one seam! Hope you love it Skye!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Kathy's Block for Sumptuous Starts Round Robin

I am the second to last person to work on Kathy's lovely block. Here are the parts I added. I can't think of anything else to say about it. It is 3:53 am and I really need to get back to bed! Woke up earlier and couldn't get back to sleep so decided to catch up on some computer play!