Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sumptuous Starts - Skye's work on my block!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ann's Block - Sumptuous Starts

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Valentine's Heart

Sunday, February 1, 2009
The 6th picture in the 6th folder!

Here are the rules: You have to go to the pictures section of your computer, find the 6th folder and then the 6th picture in that folder. You post that picture on your blog and tell the story behind it. Then choose 6 other people to tag to do the same thing.
Well, the photo on the left is the picture I found. The story is this: In 2007 I met (through the internet) my second cousin, Cheryl. We are both keenly interested in family history and over the years have spent a lot of time sharing information and going through old family photos in our "unknown" pile. I believe this is a photo she sent me of three separate photos to compare what she believed were 3 pictures of the same gal. So, all you analysts out there, what do you think? I think it's possible -- they all have a very soft look about them. I don't think it's conclusive though. What I do know is that this young lady hung in the same crowd as my Great Grandmother, Helena Wangerin, pictured in the 2nd photo. The mystery girl was at Helena's wedding and a member of Helena's sister-in-law's wedding party. Who she is is still a mystery - maybe a cousin, a friend or a neighbor. The mystery goes on....
My three aunts and my Mother have adopted Cheryl and largely as a part of our relationship, we have been sharing family stories over email together. Every week we'd pick a new topic and talk about it (all 6 of us). It has enriched our knowledge of the family and drawn us closer together. Eventually many of my cousins and my sister also joined in on the conversations.
Now for my 6! I choose in no particular order:
1. Gerry K. http://olderrose.blogspot.com/2008/09/rose-buttons.html I met Gerry at the last retreat and since then she has been a continuous inspiration!
2. Janet from Colorado http://gocrazywithme.blogspot.com/ I also met Janet at the retreat and she is a real sweety and a great quilter!
3. Ann F.
http://crazyqcorner.blogspot.com/ Ann, who seems like a wonderful nice person, and I are on at least two lists together, and we are about to begin the Sumptuous Start RR adventure together!
4. Skye L. http://skyescreativeworld.blogspot.com/ Skye is also in the Sumptuous Start RR and I just love her enthusiasm and contributions to CQ for Newbies Group!
5. Leslie E. http://pinyoncreek.blogspot.com/ I also met Leslie at the retreat and she is one of the nicest people you want to meet. We've also done some stash hunting together in Denver and she's been trying (unsuccessfully) to get me moving on my Western CQ!
6. Robin K.
http://www.allthingsrobin.wordpress.com/ Robin is on a quilt group that originated from Rootsweb. We have several of the same interests such as quilting, photography and genealogy. She, like me, can hardly contain her interest when it comes to what she is passionate about!!
I hope you all will participate!