Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 4 - Art Every Day - Tatted Angel

Today I shopped for groceries and cooked like a mad woman (green chili, beets with vinaigrette, broiled chicken so I'd have some to make chicken salad), so again I just had a little time in the evening to stitch. I would have gotten farther, but I made a mistake and had to cut it out. The up side of this is that I now feel more confident about fixing mistakes. I made another mistake too, but I went so far past it and think I can compensate for it (hope), so I left it in.  I'm pretty sure you can't tell where it is.  (-;  As you can see I got about half of the shirt done.


gocrazywithme said...

This is way cool, Connie. I have no idea where the mistake is. You go, girl!

Growing Old Fast said...

I'm so glad you're so brave to show your work to the world! Thank you for that. My grandmother used to tat. I always wanted to learn but it didn't happen. I enjoy your nice work to us. Pam